Questions & Answers
Who is a typical executive advisor?
Our advisors are usually employees in large enterprises, holding senior roles (e.g. CEO, CIO, CTO, Managing Director, Head of sales, Chief Digital Officer), providing advisory services as supplement.
How does “Deep Digital Executive Advisory” distinguish itself from other similar platforms?
Our advisors are not the regular advisors you usually buy from the top consulting firms as majority of our advisors are non-consulting professionals, holding senior positions in large enterprises. Before becoming an advisor, the advisors are subject for a comprehensive screening process, demonstrating their uniqueness and thought leadership. Our Advisors are handpicked, as they are recommended by one of “Deep Digital Executive Advisory” members and approved by company’s advisory trustee board.
Who is a typical client and when is executive advisory typically needed?
Our clients are industry leaders, many times holding similar positions as our advisors. Clients approach us during transitional or challenging stages of their companies’ growth and development. Others come to us during successful times to confirm they optimize growth properly. It’s not about the size of your company, the pace of its growth, or the problems it faces. It’s about accomplishing your goals faster and more effectively by putting the vision first and foremost.
What type of advisory services can clients request?
Under “Experience of our Advisors”, clients can find some highlights the advisors´ past experiences.
How does “Deep Digital Executive Advisory” platform determine the right match between client and advisor?
By manually reviewing the coming assignment request by client, nominations of one or multiple advisor candidates are done. After reviewing the candidates by the client and considering availability, the final selection will be done.
What is the pricing principles?
The hourly rate for executive advisory services is individually determined each advisor.
What is the main way to deliver the advisory services?
Remotely through phone. However as per clients demand and consultant’s availability they can agree on any other forms too, e.g. meeting in person or join an company event.
How does the payment process work?
72 hours after the service is delivered, the client pays as per quoted hourly rate to Deep Digital AB. Latest 5 working days after the service is delivered, Deep Digital AB pays the advisor as per exact length of the advisory session that in the end of each session the client needs to confirm.